Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

The social responsibility policy revolves around 9 fundamental objectives:

  • Respect the legislation in force in the countries in which we operate, adopting, in a complementary manner, international standards such as ILO Conventions, where there is no legislation that guarantees the application of our principles and values.
  • Adopt corporate governance practices in line with internationally recognized good governance recommendations, and based on transparency and mutual trust with partners and investors.
  • Support the development of policies and procedures for the management of labor relations based on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and respect for diversity. In addition, provide a healthy and safe work environment for our employees.
  • Respect human rights labor rights, as established in our Code of Conduct.
  • Establish transparent relationships with our suppliers, promoting the improvement of their capacities and their level of quality and service. In addition, we are committed to transmitting our social and environmental responsibility policies throughout the value chain, to enhance their multiplier effect and the positive impact of our operations, through a selection and contracting process where responsible management prevails.
  • Promote a culture of respect for the environment and biodiversity, minimizing the environmental impact of our activity in all phases of our projects.
  • Reject corruption in any of its forms, not allowing the company and its collaborators to obtain illegally advantages that do not respect the rules of transparency and free competition.
  • Promote dialogue with the different stakeholders to achieve a balance between our business objectives and social expectations, through responsible communication with local communities and the rest of the groups related to our activities.
  • Provide relevant and truthful information on the main activities carried out, subjecting it to internal and third-party verification processes that guarantee its reliability.