Solar Farming By Cabellos-Pancho

Solar Farming

On a solar farm, large amounts of power are generated from sunlight. Since solar energy is collected from a wide area, it is important to view the process as “farming” to “harvest” renewable energy from the sun. Solar farming is an opportunity for those in the agricultural sector to view solar energy as a “replacement harvest” and create cleaner forms of energy by transforming vacant or even underused land into farms that produce electrical energy. Having a solar energy system would allow you to produce your own electricity. Additionally you could sell some of your electricity to your neighbors, local businesses or even the local utility company.

Solar energy farms, especially larger ones, can be interconnected into the electricity grid and produce significant levels of electricity offsetting traditional sources of generation. Moreover, large-scale solar-power generation has the potential to help meet Sierra Leone’s enormous energy needs.

Solar energy provides a new kind of experience to farmers in growing their crops. New commercial solar technologies enable farmers to capture solar energy to produce electricity, heat and hot water to enrich their farms, and energy independence to farmers.

Some governments are providing huge grants or subsidies to fund community solar farm projects as part of their energy programs. Solar farming can help advance Sierra Leone’s use of renewable energy and help assure achievement of economic development goals. To successfully implement solar farming requires feed-in tariffs. This allows farmers to invest with the security of 20- to 25-year government grants. The energy from these farms is purchased directly by utilities, which often sign 10- to 20-year energy purchase contracts with solar farm owners, thereby securing low-cost energy for the end user. According to the ‘Sierra LeoneResidential Energy Survey’, there has been an increase in sales of star-labeled electric appliances that are energy efficient. This shows that folks have already begun to search for options that will help them reduce their electricity bills. A home solar rooftop installation can reduce 80-90% of the electricity bill monthly. A 5kW system can generate around 600 units and save more amount.

Solar farms will also play a vital role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming. By installing solar farm equipment, owners will also considerably boost the value of their property.